Performance pledge
If a problem occurs during the execution of a service, users can immediately call the hotline for problem feedback, and the hotline service personnel will determine a reasonable solution according to the problem type。
On-site assist users to deal with faults, and service, installation, maintenance, replacement of new equipment, etc.;
Service hotline
Users can directly communicate with the following personnel for general problems encountered during the operation of the equipment。
- Cleaning machine service hotline
- Qi Xiaoming: 15988721069
- 周 波:15868746836
- Three-in-one service hotline
- Zhang Youcai: 13757890425
- 何 坤:18767715580
After-sales service
Field guide installation
Instrumentation test
3 in 1: IQ, OQ
Cleaning machine: Hot cloth, IQ, OQ, SAT
Rectification bed: 3 batches of test material on site
Provide reliable original spare parts
Fast and professional replacement of parts
Quickly restore the device to normal status
Factory testing according to our technical specifications
Spare parts warranty and ensure ongoing compliance
Distance training
On-site training
Equipment operation training
Equipment maintenance training
Yaguang headquarters technical exchange
Complete seal ring